On Monday, 18 January, an online WBESS team meeting was held to discuss following six months of the network. Nenad Čelarević, project coordinator, briefly described some of the planned activities and introduced a new member of the network, Dr Ledjon Shanini, from the University of Tirana. Thanks to the effort of our national focal point in Albania, the University of Tirana has decided to join the WBESS network and bring a strong added value to the regional cooperation, promotion, and advocacy efforts around ESS.
Then, all national focal points were invited to briefly present what have been done since October. Nerman Oruč underlined that in Bosnia and Herzegovina scholarships for PhD students for those who base their theses on the ESS data will be provided. Lirije Palushi tackled an idea of the University of Prishtina joining the WBESS network which was then discussed by other members of the team. Nataša Krivokapić, from Montenegro, indicated that publication with papers whose abstracts were presented at the international conference in December 2020, will be prepared in the spring and promoted through the WBESS website. Dragan Stanojevic stated that in February a webinar on the ESS push-for-web surveys will be held (that Serbia is currently taking part in).
Toward the end, an event on the Strategic Foresight for Balkans 2035, initiated by the European Commission, was announced and the entire team was invited to participate in it.