Sustain II

Sustain 2 is a new Horizon 2020 project funded from the European Commission and led by the European Social Survey (ESS) from January 2020.

The majority of the project resources will be used to collect survey data online from respondents in 12 countries, marking a significant investment in cross-national web interviewing for the future. This harmonised, probability-based web panel will be fielded in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK.

The new project also builds on membership development activities implemented by the ESS in the European Union (EU) funded project, SUSTAIN, to boost the number of participating countries. These efforts saw participation rise from 21 countries in Round 7 (2014/15) to 30 countries in Round 9 (2018/19), and membership in the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) grow from 14 to 25 countries.

As part of this new project, the benefits of joining the infrastructure will continue to be promoted to funding agencies in countries who did not participate in Round 9, or are yet to commit to fielding the survey in Round 10.

SUSTAIN 2 is a 36-month project, due to be implemented from January 2020 until December 2022.

As part of the project, the Western Balkans European Social Survey Regional Network is convened by the Institute of Social Science in Belgrade for promoting the European Social Survey in the Western Balkan. The aim is to increase participation of the Western Balkan countries in ESS Round 10.

All beneficiaries are: CentERdata (Netherlands); Tilburg University (Netherlands); Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary); Sciences Po (France); NatCen Social Research (UK); Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic); University of Lisbon (Portugal); University of Turku (Finland); Institute for Advance Studies (Austria); Umea University (Sweden); Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche (Italy); University of Milan (Italy); KU Leuven (Belgium); University of Iceland (Iceland); University of Belgrade (Serbia) and Institute of Social Sciences (Serbia). ESS ERIC linked third parties City, University of London, NSD, GESIS, University of Essex and University of Ljubljana will also contribute to the project.






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